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BY Jeffrey September 16, 2020

What is the Internet of Things?

In simple terms, Internet of Things (IoT) describes a network of objects that utilize software, sensors, or other tech to connect and exchange data with other devices over the internet. In the consumer world, most IoT devices are accessed and controlled via your phone. Checking who’s at your door with a smart doorbell, changing your thermostat with an app, or even turning your phone into a tv remote are all part of the IoT world. 

There are many IoT-devices readily available for a number of different products, including appliances, security, electronics, and more. In this post we’ve included a small overview of what types of products you can find and how you might use them in your home.


Did you know some refrigerators have cameras that show what food you’re keeping cool? It might seem unnecessary when you can simply open the fridge and see for yourself, but doing so lets out valuable cold air. As the energy hog of your home, your fridge uses a lot of energy. Seeing what’s in your fridge without opening it could save you money in the long run. In addition to fridges, many other appliances, including ovens, washer/dryers, dishwashers, and microwaves all come with IoT-ready features that allow you to run and maintain your machines, all from a simple app on your phone.  


Don’t you hate forgetting to turn the lights off? With a compatible lighting system, adjusting the lighting in your home can be as simple as opening an app. Smart Lighting offers a wealth of personalization options and features giving you complete control over every light in your home. Set up for the ultimate movie night, put your lights on a timer, or have your home lit up for you when you arrive with Smart Lighting. 

Climate Control

Much like lighting, homes that are equipped with Smart Thermostats provide an incredible amount of climate control. Basic systems allow users to adjust home temps from any internet capable device. With the proper setup, some systems even offer the option to set unique temperatures for every room in your home. If you get frustrated trying to maintain constant temps throughout your house, installing a smart thermostat might be a good choice.


A common IoT device, both doorbells and security cameras provide an additional level of safety for your home. They’re easy to install, provide a number of safety benefits, and can all be monitored and tweaked from your mobile device.  Say goodbye to “Who’s at the door?” with a camera-mounted doorbell, or maintain peace of mind on long trips while monitoring your home from afar.


Internet-capable TVs are so commonplace now that we don’t even realize they’re an IoT device. Some even let you pair a keyboard and mouse, essentially turning your television set into a big-screen computer. Radios, speakers, and other house-hold electronics generally come with some level of internet connectivity, providing smooth and easy access for all your media needs.

Do You Need IoT?

Chances are, you already have internet capable devices in your home. Whether or not you need a fridge with a TV, or a dryer you can control from two states away is entirely up to you. These devices are designed to make your life easier. And, well, maybe a little more fun, too. 

Progressive Leasing is available at over 30,000 retail partner locations across the country, many of which offer IoT-ready devices. To find a store near you, visit


Jeffrey is the Marketing Brand Specialist at Progressive Leasing and has been writing since he first learned to use a pencil. His works include short stories, poetry, blogging, technical writing and more. As the primary content creator for ProgLiving, Jeffrey is excited to provide visitors with fun and informative reads covering a number of different industries, products, and lifestyles.