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BY Jeffrey June 21, 2021

Long days and high temps can only mean one thing: Summer is in full swing! When things start heating up this summer, try these simple and affordable ways to keep the temperature at bay.


Drink a lot of water because summer will make you hot. Really hot. Whether your climate is dry or muggy, once the temps hit a certain point your body will start sweating and sweating…and sweating. As a natural heat regulator, sweat is great! It also runs out if you’re not hydrated. Keep a bottle of water on hand whenever you’re out in the hot summer weather. The more water you drink, the more your body can keep that heat in check.

Eat Lighter

Wouldn’t you know it? A bowl of salad or simple sandwich is going to help you stay cooler than diving into a bowl of chili. Or burgers. Mac and cheese. Sticking to fruits and veggies, light soups, and cold cuts take the stress off your digestive system. They’re also typically a good source of needed hydration and nutrients. That doesn’t mean you can enjoy your BBQ! Just make a habit of offsetting your heavier meals with a good selection of lighter fare.

Turn Off Electronics

Everything that uses electricity in your home puts off heat. Lightbulbs (even LED), your television, and your computer that’s currently asleep all contribute to your home’s internal temperature. In addition to saving money on your electric bill, turning off unused electronics can help reduce heat levels around your house.

Cook Smart

There’s nothing quite like opening the oven and smelling those homemade chocolate chip cookies. It’s exquisite. It’s also guaranteed to jack up the heat in your home. Thinking about frying some eggs on your stove? Same issue. Your stove and oven are some of the biggest offenders when it comes to increasing the heat in your home. Instead of relying on cooking your meals, consider preparing fresh food or recipes that require only a little time spent in your oven or stove. 

Water, Again

If the heat is unbearable, you may want to cool things down by taking a quick and very cold shower. Once you get past the initial horror of jumping into an icy waterfall, your body temp will drop and you’ll be endure the heat a tad bit better. Just don’t rely on the ol’ cold shower method too often. You can easily offset the benefits with a jacked-up water bill.

Block the Sun

No, we’re not talking about sunscreen (although you should definitely be using that), we’re talking about those really thick, light-blocking curtains. Animals, children, adults? all love basking in the sun as it comes through your windows. These rays offer the perfect place to take a quick nap. They also offer the perfect way for the sun to heat things up. Replacing some or all of your curtains with sun blockers will provide a significant decrease in sun-driven heat. Your house will also be super dark at 2pm. But it will be a very nice and cool kind of dark.

Ventilate at Night

Many people keep the AC running during the hottest parts of the day and then switch to fans at night. This is a perfectly good idea but is often poorly utilized. All throughout the day, your house soaks up heat from the sun. As soon as the sun goes down, all of this stored heat begins to release—both inside and outside your home. If you aim your fans inward, like say, at your feet while you sleep, you’re only circulating hot air around your room. Try this instead: if the air outside your house is cooler than inside, open a few windows and aim your fans out. This will help push the hot air out and bring in cool air from outside.

Annnnnd More Water

If you haven’t picked up on this yet, water is going to be your best friend during the summer. This final tip can get a bit messy, so only use if you’re willing to get a bit wet. When temps get too hot to handle, even at night, putting a cold, damp towel or rag on your face, neck, or arms/legs can help bring down the heat very quickly. Even better, run a fan to maximize your cooldown. 

But Don’t Forget to Have Fun!

Summer can be excruciatingly hot, to the point of despair (We kid. Kind of). But summer is also one of the most fun seasons of the year, bringing with it fireworks, swimming, camping, and all sorts of activities you can’t do any other time. Even when the temps hit those jaw-dropping heights summer can be known for, don’t forget to hydrate and enjoy those warm months while you can.


Jeffrey is the Marketing Brand Specialist at Progressive Leasing and has been writing since he first learned to use a pencil. His works include short stories, poetry, blogging, technical writing and more. As the primary content creator for ProgLiving, Jeffrey is excited to provide visitors with fun and informative reads covering a number of different industries, products, and lifestyles.