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BY Jeffrey July 19, 2021

Sometimes dropping a grand or more on a laptop isn’t in the budget. You just need something that allows you to send emails, browse the web, do work, and watch your favorite shows. While there are plenty of affordable options that touch on all those notes, some cheap laptops are a big waste of money. Before you go jumping on that $100 computer, here are some things you should be cautious about when shopping for budget-priced laptops.

Don’t Fall for Gimmicks

Cheap laptops will often try to distract you by advertising gimmicks. Touchscreen, for example, is a gimmick you’ll see often. While this feature has been a booming success for tablets, phones, and other such devices, it’s not nearly as necessary for laptops. Your keyboard and mouse will always be faster and more efficient. Also keep in mind that gimmicks aren’t cheap. So, if you’re looking at a budget laptop that has a lot of flashy features, chances are that unit is severely lacking where it counts: power, memory, storage.

Less is Less

Much of the tech world is built upon upgrades. Price is often directly tied to the quality of the parts within the unit. The same applies to laptops. At a certain point, the parts you’re buying simply won’t do the job you need them to. Even things as simple as visiting websites or streaming shows can take a massive hit if your computer is built with cheap parts. A good rule of thumb when looking for budget laptops is to find a cheap laptop, but not the cheapest. Look for units that fit comfortably within your price range.

Avoid Unknown Brands

While a $300 Dell laptop will never be as good as one of their high-end gaming units, it’s still a solid piece of hardware. This is because Dell, among other popular brands, is known for providing reliable computers at every price point.  You won’t have that same assurance if you buy a laptop from an unknown manufacturer. Sure, you may save some money up front, but these brands often find the cheapest parts available to make their laptops. If no other option is available, be sure to read reviews of the laptop before you buy. You can still find good units from third-party manufactures if you look hard enough. 

Try Before You Buy

The most important thing you can do when choosing a budget laptop is to try it out first. None of the above advice matters if you try out a laptop, it does exactly what you want, and you fall in love with it. Many stores offer tech demos on the shop floor with a variety of models. Some stores even have a trial period where you can purchase and use a laptop before deciding to keep or return it. The bottom line is, nobody knows what you need better than you. Don’t settle on a laptop based on price alone, or what a sales rep tells you. Try out the models that catch your interest to find the one that’s your perfect fit. 


Jeffrey is the Marketing Brand Specialist at Progressive Leasing and has been writing since he first learned to use a pencil. His works include short stories, poetry, blogging, technical writing and more. As the primary content creator for ProgLiving, Jeffrey is excited to provide visitors with fun and informative reads covering a number of different industries, products, and lifestyles.