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BY Jeffrey Allen August 9, 2021

Back-to-School is right around the corner for many eager (maybe not?) campus-bound students and among the many things you’ll need to stock up on is a collection of useful and entertaining tech upgrades. So whether it’s your first foray into the college life or you’re on the cusp of graduation, here’s 10 perfect tech items for your living space during the upcoming year. 

Robot Vacuum

We’ll get the not-so-fun upgrade out of the way first. While it may not do your dishes or make your bed (or clean your bathroom or….well, you get the idea), a robot vacuum will definitely help keep your floors clean. They’re easy to program and easier to ignore as they cruise around your rooms. If you don’t like vacuuming and sweeping every day, investing in a robot vacuum will save you a ton of time you can better use on studying and socializing.


A wise person once said, “Music is a doorway into not hearing your roommates argue over whose milk is in the fridge.” Someone said that. Probably. The point remains, headphones are so much more than tools for listening to music or movies. If you get a pair with Active Noise Cancelling (ANC), you can essentially drown out every annoying audio interruption and focus completely on whatever you want. Be that complete silence or all 15 seasons of Supernatural. The choice is yours. If you need some pointers on what type to pick, see our Pros and Cons of Earbuds and Over-Ear Headphones to help you decide.


The most obvious piece of tech you’ll need for school was so obviously not needed for this post that we decided to add it anyway and expand on it in great detail. Just kidding. You’re going to need a computer for school. It’s a given. If you’re planning on using a computer lab for all your computing needs, you’re all set. If not? We’ve got a number of helpful tips on purchasing a laptop, as well as whether or not you should purchase a desktop computer versus a laptop unit.

Power Bank

Power banks, on the other hand, are a little less obvious of a need. Typically you’re going to be in a classroom or some other location with access to an outlet. Power problems solved. However, there’s always going to be that one person who has 17 things they need to plug in to run their monster of a computer setup. This will, unfortunately, happen at the absolute least opportune moment. Enter the power bank. Small, portable, and relatively cheap, these lifesavers can power your computer, phone, Switch, or any other mobile device to help you keep running all day long. 

Extra Monitors

There’s nothing quite like having a second, or even third monitor. You may think you don’t need one, and you’ve probably gotten along just fine without, but once you expand your screen space your efficiency levels will increase significantly. No more hopping between web tabs, research papers, or windows. And that means no more losing your spot or searching frantically as you try to find that perfect quote from Jane Austin. Multiple monitors also makes movie watching and gaming so, so much better. But we don’t do that at school. Because, you know, studying and responsibilities and all that. No time for entertainment.

Gaming Console

Just kidding! All work and no play makes school incredibly tedious. Take a break every now and then! Kick back and ruin friendships with a mean game of Mario Kart. The Nintendo Switch is the perfect on-the-go device designed for pick up and play whenever you want. Not a fan of the Nintendo library? Don’t sweat it. Xbox and PlayStation both have a wealth of jaw-dropping visual treats designed to satisfy your every gaming need. Whenever school starts to wear on you, push pause on real life and escape for a bit. Just don’t forget about your test in an hour.


Which is why a smartwatch is an excellent investment. Keep track of classes, schoolwork, tests, and more, all in a convenient package. Smartwatches can track your schedules, appointments, sleeping habits, even your health and exercise. School is incredibly busy and it rarely slows down. Instead of adding more to your plate, pick up a smart watch to shoulder some of the stress for you.

Alarm Clock

Ahhhh….sleep. Remember what that was like? Probably not. But whatever measly hours you do squeeze in, you’re going to want something to get you out of bed each morning. And also after your mid-afternoon naps. A smartwatch could work, but you’ll quickly develop the “Put It On Sleep” muscle memory. It happens to all of us. Embrace it as part of the college experience. And then buy an actual alarm clock. Put it on the far side of your room so you need to walk to it in order to shut it off. “But then I’ll just crawl back in bed.” Okay, fair point. Legos on the path to the alarm. Problem solved. 


Laptops are pretty compact and unassuming, but do you know what’s even…smaller…? Tablets. We can’t necessarily say they’re an improvement over laptops (they’re not), but they do have a surprising number of perks. They are indeed smaller, and significantly so. They typically weigh less than a pound and are roughly a quarter inch thick. Upgrade your case to include a keyboard and you essentially have created The Laptop Lite. It won’t be as powerful as the beefier hardware that comes with a traditional computer (usually), but if all you need is a streaming device and something for writing papers, tablets are where it’s at. Investing in both a laptop and a tablet can provide a level of convenience much-needed throughout your college career.

Progressive Leasing Can Help

College is a fun, exciting, and stressful (but also still fun) experience. New people, new friends, new classes, and new adventures. Whatever tech you need to make the most of it, Progressive Leasing can help. With over 30,000 partner retailer locations across the country, finding what you need can be as simple as visiting

Jeffrey Allen