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BY Jeffrey July 20, 2022

Summer is here and it is HOT. Heat waves are running rampant across the country, hitting triple-digit temps from California to Florida and everything in between.  Some days it’s just better to stay indoors, turn up that AC, and enjoy a cooler environment while the sun does its thing. For the adventurous few who still want to take advantage of bright skies and clear days, follow these tips to ensure you spend a fun, happy, and (importantly) healthy time outside.

Drink a LOT of Water

Many health sources recommend drinking between 8 and 15 glasses of water each day. This is just to replace fluid that your body naturally loses during normal, daily activity. Out in the sun, with heat and humidity coming into play, the amount of water you need can quickly double. Be sure you’re hydrated before, during, and after any prolonged exposure to extreme summer conditions. 

Stick to the Shade

You know that feeling of relief you get when you step into a well-shaded area? Feels like the temperature just dropped 10 degrees! Interestingly enough, the temperature in the sun and in the shade exactly the same. That cool sensation you feel is actually a reduced level of UV radiation. This reduction can sometimes be as much as 75% less UV than if you were standing in the sun. So if you know you’re going to be outside for any prolonged amount of time, try to situate yourself in an area with a lot of shade. This will help your body regulate temperature a little easier and help you avoid sunburns and other UV-related dangers.

Choose “Refreshing” Activities

Running a marathon in 100 degree weather probably isn’t a great choice. Showing off your diving skills at the local pool, though…now that sounds like a good time. Water balloons, squirt guns, hitting your local river, basically anything that involves water is going to help you stay cool and refreshed. Now, that’s not to say you can’t enjoy some sand volleyball or ATV rides, just be sure you pay attention to this next tip.

Keep Drinks Close By

Always have a water bottle on hand and a cooler nearby filled with hydrating beverages. You’ll be sweating a lot, losing fluids and electrolytes, so be sure to be sure to hydrate often. If you’ve got a deck space, pool, or other outdoor hangout, consider getting a minifridge. Not only can you store plenty of drinks, you can also stock up on refreshing snacks and treats. That’s a win-win!

Pick the Right Time of Day

Choosing when to be outside can make all the difference. When your choices include brisk morning, scalding hot afternoon, or cool evening, picking a time that doesn’t have you melting on the asphalt is always a good idea. You’ll have a smaller chance of getting dehydrated, experiencing heat exhaustion, or any other number of heat-related issues. Plan your day’s activities in such a way that you’re able to take advantage of the cooler temps found in the mornings and late evenings.

Know When It’s Quitting Time

No matter how much shade you stand in or water you drink, eventually your body will decide it’s done for the day. If you start to feel tired, excessively thirsty, weak, or achy, it’s time to pack it up and head inside. Catching these things early can help prevent more serious issues like heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Always play it safe when it comes to extreme temperatures. There’s always tomorrow! And your body will thank you.


Jeffrey is the Marketing Brand Specialist at Progressive Leasing and has been writing since he first learned to use a pencil. His works include short stories, poetry, blogging, technical writing and more. As the primary content creator for ProgLiving, Jeffrey is excited to provide visitors with fun and informative reads covering a number of different industries, products, and lifestyles.